RSM fitted model for FROC sample size
SsFrocSampleSize(dataset, effectSizeROC, JPivot, KPivot, lesDistr)
The pilot dataset.
The effect size in ROC-AUC units
The number of readers in the pivotal study
The number of cases in the pivotal study
A 1D array containing the probability mass function of number of lesions per diseased case in the pivotal FROC study.
A list containing:
, the specified ROC effect size.
, the factor by which the ROC effect size
must by multiplied to get the wAFROC effect size.
, the ROC power.
, the wAFROC power.
See for explanation of the FROC sample size estimation procedure.
# \donttest{
## Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s
## user system elapsed
## SsFrocSampleSize 8.102 0.023 8.135
## SsFrocSampleSize(DfExtractDataset(dataset04, trts = c(1,2)),
## effectSizeROC = 0.03, JPivot = 5, KPivot = 100, lesDistr = c(0.69, 0.2, 0.11))
# }