Chapter 5 DBM analysis text output

5.1 TBA How much finished


5.2 Introduction

This chapter illustrates significance testing using the DBM method.

5.3 Analyzing the ROC dataset

This illustrates the StSignificanceTesting() function. The significance testing method is specified as "DBM" and the figure of merit FOM is specified as “Wilcoxon”. The embedded dataset dataset03 is used.

ret <- StSignificanceTesting(dataset03, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM")

5.4 Explanation of the output

The function returns a list with 5 members:

  • FOMs: figures of merit.
  • ANOVA: ANOVA tables.
  • RRRC: random-reader random-case analyses results.
  • FRRC: fixed-reader random-case analyses results.
  • RRFC" random-reader fixed-case analyses results.

Let us consider them individually.

#> List of 3
#>  $ foms        :'data.frame':    2 obs. of  4 variables:
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_1: num [1:2] 0.853 0.85
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_2: num [1:2] 0.865 0.844
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_3: num [1:2] 0.857 0.84
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_4: num [1:2] 0.815 0.814
#>  $ trtMeans    :'data.frame':    2 obs. of  1 variable:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num [1:2] 0.848 0.837
#>  $ trtMeanDiffs:'data.frame':    1 obs. of  1 variable:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num 0.0109
  • FOMs is a list of 3
    • foms is a [2x4] dataframe: the figure of merit for each of of the four observers in the two treatments.
    • trtMeans is a [2x1] dataframe: the average figure of merit over all readers for each treatment.
    • trtMeanDiffs a [1x1] dataframe: the difference(s) of the reader-averaged figures of merit for all different-treatment pairings. In this example, with only two treatments, there is only one different-treatment pairing.
#>           rdrREADER_1 rdrREADER_2 rdrREADER_3 rdrREADER_4
#> trtTREAT1  0.85345997  0.86499322  0.85730439  0.81524197
#> trtTREAT2  0.84961556  0.84350972  0.84011759  0.81433740
#>             Estimate
#> trtTREAT1 0.84774989
#> trtTREAT2 0.83689507
#>                        Estimate
#> trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.010854817
#> List of 4
#>  $ TRCanova     :'data.frame':   8 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   ..$ SS: num [1:8] 0.0236 0.2052 52.5284 0.0151 6.41 ...
#>   ..$ DF: num [1:8] 1 3 99 3 99 297 297 799
#>   ..$ MS: num [1:8] 0.02357 0.06841 0.53059 0.00502 0.06475 ...
#>  $ VarCom       :'data.frame':   6 obs. of  1 variable:
#>   ..$ Estimates: num [1:6] 3.78e-05 5.13e-02 -7.13e-04 -2.89e-03 2.79e-02 ...
#>  $ IndividualTrt:'data.frame':   3 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   ..$ DF       : num [1:3] 3 99 297
#>   ..$ TrtTREAT1: num [1:3] 0.0493 0.294 0.105
#>   ..$ TrtTREAT2: num [1:3] 0.0242 0.3014 0.1034
#>  $ IndividualRdr:'data.frame':   3 obs. of  5 variables:
#>   ..$ DF         : num [1:3] 1 99 99
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_1: num [1:3] 0.000739 0.203875 0.091559
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_2: num [1:3] 0.0231 0.2234 0.0803
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_3: num [1:3] 0.0148 0.2142 0.0612
#>   ..$ rdrREADER_4: num [1:3] 4.09e-05 2.85e-01 6.06e-02
  • ANOVA is a list of 4
    • TRCanova is a [8x3] dataframe: the treatment-reader-case ANOVA table, see below, where SS is the sum of squares, DF is the denominator degrees of freedom and MS is the mean squares, and T = treatment, R = reader, C = case, TR = treatment-reader, TC = treatment-case, RC = reader-case, TRC = treatment-reader-case.
    • VarCom is a [6x1] dataframe: the variance components, see below, where varR is the reader variance, varC is the case variance, varTR is the treatment-reader variance, varTC is the treatment-case variance, varRC is the reader-case variance, and varTRC is the treatment-reader-case variance.
    • IndividualTrt is a [3x3] dataframe: the individual treatment variance components averaged over all readers, see below, where msR is the mean square reader, msC is the mean square case and msRC is the mean square reader-case.
    • IndividualRdr is a [3x5] dataframe: the individual reader variance components averaged over treatments, see below, where msT is the mean square treatment, msC is the mean square case and msTC is the mean square treatment-case.
#>                  SS  DF           MS
#> T       0.023565410   1 0.0235654097
#> R       0.205217999   3 0.0684059998
#> C      52.528398680  99 0.5305898857
#> TR      0.015060792   3 0.0050202641
#> TC      6.410048814  99 0.0647479678
#> RC     39.242953812 297 0.1321311576
#> TRC    22.660077641 297 0.0762965577
#> Total 121.085323149 799           NA
#>             Estimates
#> VarR    3.7755679e-05
#> VarC    5.1250915e-02
#> VarTR  -7.1276294e-04
#> VarTC  -2.8871475e-03
#> VarRC   2.7917300e-02
#> VarErr  7.6296558e-02
#>       DF   TrtTREAT1   TrtTREAT2
#> msR    3 0.049266349 0.024159915
#> msC   99 0.293967531 0.301370323
#> msRC 297 0.105047872 0.103379843
#>      DF   rdrREADER_1 rdrREADER_2 rdrREADER_3   rdrREADER_4
#> msT   1 0.00073897606 0.023077021 0.014769293 0.00004091217
#> msC  99 0.20387477465 0.223441908 0.214246773 0.28541990211
#> msTC 99 0.09155873437 0.080279256 0.061228980 0.06057067104
#> List of 3
#>  $ FTests         :'data.frame': 2 obs. of  4 variables:
#>   ..$ DF   : num [1:2] 1 3
#>   ..$ MS   : num [1:2] 0.02357 0.00502
#>   ..$ FStat: num [1:2] 4.69 NA
#>   ..$ p    : num [1:2] 0.119 NA
#>  $ ciDiffTrt      :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num 0.0109
#>   ..$ StdErr  : num 0.00501
#>   ..$ DF      : num 3
#>   ..$ t       : num 2.17
#>   ..$ PrGTt   : num 0.119
#>   ..$ CILower : num -0.00509
#>   ..$ CIUpper : num 0.0268
#>  $ ciAvgRdrEachTrt:'data.frame': 2 obs. of  5 variables:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num [1:2] 0.848 0.837
#>   ..$ StdErr  : num [1:2] 0.0244 0.0236
#>   ..$ DF      : num [1:2] 70.1 253.6
#>   ..$ CILower : num [1:2] 0.799 0.79
#>   ..$ CIUpper : num [1:2] 0.896 0.883
  • RRRC, a list of 3 containing results of random-reader random-case analyses
    • FTtests: is a [2x4] dataframe: results of the F-tests, see below, where FStat is the F-statistic and p is the p-value. The first row is the treatment effect and the second is the error term.
    • ciDiffTrt: is a [1x7] dataframe: the confidence intervals between different-treatments, see below, where StdErr is the standard error of the estimate, t is the t-statistic and PrGTt is the p-value.
    • ciAvgRdrEachTrt: is a [2x5] dataframe: the confidence intervals for each treatment, averaged over all readers in the treatment, see below, where CILower is the lower 95% confidence interval and CIUpper is the upper 95% confidence interval.
#>           DF           MS     FStat          p
#> Treatment  1 0.0235654097 4.6940577 0.11883786
#> Error      3 0.0050202641        NA         NA
#>                        Estimate       StdErr DF         t      PrGTt
#> trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.010854817 0.0050101218  3 2.1665774 0.11883786
#>                           CILower     CIUpper
#> trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 -0.0050896269 0.026799261
#>             Estimate      StdErr         DF    CILower    CIUpper
#> trtTREAT1 0.84774989 0.024402152  70.121788 0.79908282 0.89641696
#> trtTREAT2 0.83689507 0.023566416 253.644028 0.79048429 0.88330585
#> List of 4
#>  $ FTests          :'data.frame':    2 obs. of  4 variables:
#>   ..$ DF   : num [1:2] 1 99
#>   ..$ MS   : num [1:2] 0.0236 0.0647
#>   ..$ FStat: num [1:2] 0.364 NA
#>   ..$ p    : num [1:2] 0.548 NA
#>  $ ciDiffTrt       :'data.frame':    1 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num 0.0109
#>   ..$ StdErr  : num 0.018
#>   ..$ DF      : num 99
#>   ..$ t       : num 0.603
#>   ..$ PrGTt   : num 0.548
#>   ..$ CILower : num -0.0248
#>   ..$ CIUpper : num 0.0466
#>  $ ciAvgRdrEachTrt :'data.frame':    2 obs. of  5 variables:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num [1:2] 0.848 0.837
#>   ..$ StdErr  : num [1:2] 0.0271 0.0274
#>   ..$ DF      : num [1:2] 99 99
#>   ..$ CILower : num [1:2] 0.794 0.782
#>   ..$ CIUpper : num [1:2] 0.902 0.891
#>  $ ciDiffTrtEachRdr:'data.frame':    4 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num [1:4] 0.003844 0.021483 0.017187 0.000905
#>   ..$ StdErr  : num [1:4] 0.0428 0.0401 0.035 0.0348
#>   ..$ DF      : num [1:4] 99 99 99 99
#>   ..$ t       : num [1:4] 0.0898 0.5362 0.4911 0.026
#>   ..$ PrGTt   : num [1:4] 0.929 0.593 0.624 0.979
#>   ..$ CILower : num [1:4] -0.0811 -0.058 -0.0522 -0.0682
#>   ..$ CIUpper : num [1:4] 0.0888 0.101 0.0866 0.07
  • FRRC, a list of 4 containing results of fixed-reader random-case analyses
    • FTtests: is a [2x4] dataframe: results of the F-tests, see below.
    • ciDiffTrt: is a [1x7] dataframe: the confidence intervals between different-treatments, see below.
    • ciAvgRdrEachTrt: is a [2x5] dataframe: the confidence intervals for the average reader over each treatment
    • ciDiffTrtEachRdr: is a [4x7] dataframe: the confidence intervals for each different-treatment pairing for each reader.
#>           DF          MS      FStat          p
#> Treatment  1 0.023565410 0.36395597 0.54769704
#> Error     99 0.064747968         NA         NA
#>                        Estimate      StdErr DF          t      PrGTt
#> trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.010854817 0.017992772 99 0.60328764 0.54769704
#>                          CILower    CIUpper
#> trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 -0.024846746 0.04655638
#>             Estimate      StdErr DF    CILower    CIUpper
#> trtTREAT1 0.84774989 0.027109386 99 0.79395898 0.90154079
#> trtTREAT2 0.83689507 0.027448603 99 0.78243109 0.89135905
#>                                       Estimate      StdErr DF           t
#> rdrREADER_1::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.00384441429 0.042792227 99 0.089839080
#> rdrREADER_2::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.02148349163 0.040069753 99 0.536152334
#> rdrREADER_3::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.01718679331 0.034993994 99 0.491135520
#> rdrREADER_4::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.00090456807 0.034805365 99 0.025989329
#>                                       PrGTt      CILower     CIUpper
#> rdrREADER_1::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.92859660 -0.081064648 0.088753476
#> rdrREADER_2::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.59305592 -0.058023592 0.100990575
#> rdrREADER_3::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.62441761 -0.052248882 0.086622469
#> rdrREADER_4::trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.97931817 -0.068156827 0.069965963
#> List of 3
#>  $ FTests         :'data.frame': 2 obs. of  4 variables:
#>   ..$ DF   : num [1:2] 1 3
#>   ..$ MS   : num [1:2] 0.02357 0.00502
#>   ..$ FStat: num [1:2] 4.69 NA
#>   ..$ p    : num [1:2] 0.119 NA
#>  $ ciDiffTrt      :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num 0.0109
#>   ..$ StdErr  : num 0.00501
#>   ..$ DF      : num 3
#>   ..$ t       : num 2.17
#>   ..$ PrGTt   : num 0.119
#>   ..$ CILower : num -0.00509
#>   ..$ CIUpper : num 0.0268
#>  $ ciAvgRdrEachTrt:'data.frame': 2 obs. of  5 variables:
#>   ..$ Estimate: num [1:2] 0.848 0.837
#>   ..$ StdErr  : num [1:2] 0.0111 0.00777
#>   ..$ DF      : num [1:2] 3 3
#>   ..$ CILower : num [1:2] 0.812 0.812
#>   ..$ CIUpper : num [1:2] 0.883 0.862
  • RRFC, a list of 3 containing results of random-reader fixed-case analyses
    • FTtests: is a [2x4] dataframe: results of the F-tests, see below.
    • ciDiffTrt: is a [1x7] dataframe: the confidence intervals between different-treatments, see below.
    • ciAvgRdrEachTrt: is a [2x5] dataframe: the confidence intervals for the average reader over each over each treatment.
#>           DF           MS     FStat          p
#> Treatment  1 0.0235654097 4.6940577 0.11883786
#> Error      3 0.0050202641        NA         NA
#>                        Estimate       StdErr DF         t      PrGTt
#> trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 0.010854817 0.0050101218  3 2.1665774 0.11883786
#>                           CILower     CIUpper
#> trtTREAT1-trtTREAT2 -0.0050896269 0.026799261
#>             Estimate      StdErr DF    CILower    CIUpper
#> trtTREAT1 0.84774989 0.011098012  3 0.81243106 0.88306871
#> trtTREAT2 0.83689507 0.007771730  3 0.81216196 0.86162818

5.5 References